Doel Ghost town by fite474 on November 29 2023 13:16 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date November 19 2023 at 12 hr Visit duration 4 hours
Doel is defenitly a place to visit if you want to experience your first Urbex, for me it was my first time aswell. Its a small place where many people left their house because of some politics, note however, there are still about 30 people living here, so please be polite.
You can walk around the streets for a bit, but if you want some more experience you can always take a look in some backyards for an open door at some places, just be aware of what you are doing and dont enter a backyard of a house where people still live.
Text and photos are by fite474. Click here to see fite474's profile and other reports.
Doel by Madden on May 21 2022 16:47 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date May 20 2022 at 12 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Doel. We expected this place being completely abandoned, but to our surprise upon our arrival there even was a bar that was open. Some of the houses in Doel are still (or, are again) occupied. Mainly you'll notice these houses, because they are the only ones that are not completely shut with iron plates. Also the residents often put signs on their doors: we are living here, do not enter.
So, all the abandoned buildings are completely shut with iron plates, so entering them will not be possible.
The abandonment (is that a word?) Of this town still makes a huge impact though, its wholesome to see that this used to be a thriving village.
Extra kudos to the abandoned boat in the middle of the town, that one makes for amazing pictures.
Text and photos are by Madden. Click here to see Madden's profile and other reports.
Spookstad Doel by urbex_youth on April 11 2022 10:35 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date July 8 2021 at 15 hr Visit duration 3 hours
De spookstad is redelijk snel te vinden waardoor er erg veel andere mensen te zien waren. In deze stad wonen nog 20 bewoners, dus respecteer ook hun rust a.u.b. We hebben hier een 3tal uur rondgewandeld, je kan alleen de buitenkant van de huizen bekijken want alles is afgesloten met platen. Op bijna elk huis staat er wel graffiti, er lopen ook veel zwerfkatten rond. Om de paar uur komt er politie om te controleren of er geen vandalen bezig zijn, dus je hebt kans om aangesproken te worden door hen. De stad was niet zo hel groot, maar zeker de moeite waard om eens door te wandelen. Ik waarschuw al wel, de stad heeft terug plannen voor Doel en wil dit stadje weer bewoonbaar maken en erin gaan bouwen. Snel nog een kijkje nemen is de boodschap!
Text and photos are by urbex_youth. Click here to see urbex_youth's profile and other reports.
Ghost town by BB_Urbex on April 9 2021 16:37 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date April 8 2021 at 18 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Geen echte ‘Urbex’ locatie,
Na de reacties gelezen te hebben wisten we al dat we niet veel moesten verwachten..
Een 5 tal huisjes toch gevonden waar we eens binnen konden, maar deze waren zeer bouwvallig, om niet te zeggen gevaarlijk, ingezakte trappen, doorgezakte plafonds, kelders vol water,...
Geen toplocatie, maar gewoon om eens gedaan te hebben.
Text and photos are by BB_Urbex. Click here to see BB_Urbex's profile and other reports.
“Spookstad” Doel by Shari_VS on March 17 2021 18:44 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date March 7 2021 at 13 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Doel was iets wat ik al een hele lange tijd wou doen.
De geschiedenis boeide mij enorm!
Eens aangekomen was dit een serieuze teleurstelling..
Er liep enorm veel volk, deftige foto’s maken was een uitdaging.
De meeste huizen waren dicht getimmerd met metaal en prikkeldraad.
Er waren ook veel tuning wagens aan het rondrijden voor een mooi kiekje te maken van hun auto.
Text and photos are by Shari_VS. Click here to see Shari_VS's profile and other reports.
DOEL 2k20 by GM2801 on December 30 2020 01:10 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date August 26 2020 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
It was very quiet when we arrived at 11AM local time. The later it <as the more people we saw. All the buildings are closed with steel at the windows and the doors. there are still some people <he live there. At some houses it was still possible to go behind or inside with some searching skills ofcourse. It was a very beautifull place because of all the art in the streets and we even had the possibility to talk to an streetartist who was busy there.
Text and photos are by GM2801. Click here to see GM2801's profile and other reports.
Doel by Urbex_with_nessaa on September 13 2020 15:34 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date December 22 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 3 hours
this is a legal urbex location there is security and there are cameras if you visit have respect for the villagers they do not mind that you are there but are certainly not happy with vandals.
Text and photos are by Urbex_with_nessaa. Click here to see Urbex_with_nessaa's profile and other reports.
Nice to see by Kezmenneke on July 10 2020 13:17 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date July 9 2020 at 13 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Deze dag viel een beetje tegen.
We gingen richting Antwerpen en hadden enkele locaties gekregen op weg naar ons uiteindelijke doel Doel.
Aldrig Hemma House bleek compleet leeg te zijn en leek gerenoveerd te worden.
Kasteel Torenhof is niet leegstaand, hebben nog even met de eigenaar gesproken, maar foto’s maken was niet mogelijk.
Chateau Gramophone Is helemaal gerenoveerd en er zijn appartementen van gemaakt.
Dus dan maar via de tolweg door de haven naar Doel.
We hadden geluk met het weer, dat het erg bewolkt was, wat te sfeer daar ten goede kwam
Toch nog een stuk of 20 toeristen gezien en er is zelfs een cafe in het dorp.
Een stuk of 5 huizen waren ook nog bewoond.
Slechts bij 3 huizen zijn we naar binnen kunnen gaan.
Alles is echt enorm dichtgetimmerd en niet met hout maar met staal.
Heel veel graffiti.
Maar zoals eerder gelezen, het is niet meer heel bijzonder, maar je moet er eens geweest zijn.
Het heeft wel wat om door een “compleet” verlaten dorp te lopen en nog enkele foto’s van de kerncentrale te maken.
This day was a little disappointing.
We went to Antwerp and had some locations on the way to our ultimate goal Doel.
Aldrig Hemma House turned out to be completely empty and seemed to be renovated.
Torenhof Castle is not vacant, have spoken to the owner for a while, but taking pictures was not possible.
Chateau Gramophone Has been completely renovated and apartments have been made of it.
So then via the toll road through the port to Doel.
We were lucky with the weather, that it was very cloudy, which was too atmospheric there.
Still some 20 tourists are seen and there is even a café in the village.
About 5 houses were also inhabited.
Only at 3 houses we were able to enter.
Everything is really boarded up and not with wood but with steel.
Lots of graffiti.
But as read earlier, it's no longer very special, but you must have been there once.
It does have something to walk through a "completely" abandoned village and make some pictures of the nuclear power plant.
Text and photos are by Kezmenneke. Click here to see Kezmenneke's profile and other reports.
Lost town Doel by gwendolynnedepon on September 20 2019 21:52 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date September 11 2019 at 2 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
Laatst bezocht ik Doel. DE stad, wel gekend door elke urbexer, met reden! Je vind gemakkelijk de locatie, naar daar rijden is een fluitje van een cent buiten de files die je erbij moet nemen! Daar aangekomen zware teleurstelling. Alle huizen zijn volledig dicht gemaakt door ijzeren platen, dus nergens kon je nog binnen.
Ik ben niet snel teleurgesteld maar dat was hier wel het geval. Het idee gewoon wat daar afgespeeld heeft trok me wel aan en inspireert enorm om het toch te gaan bezoeken! Veel foto's heb ik niet. Moet je het ooit gedaan hebben? Ja! Is het de moeite waard? Hmm minder.
Text and photos are by gwendolynnedepon. Click here to see gwendolynnedepon's profile and other reports.