Terms of Use

UrbexShare is a private initiative. We are not a business. We invest much of our private time to offer this project to you, for free.

Using the urbexshare.com website is 100% at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for whatever consequences using the website may have.

By uploading reports, you explicitly declare that you have the right to publish the content you are providing and you grant us the right (a license) to publish on our website and on social media platforms that we may use to promote the UrbexShare initiative, all of your input, writings and pictures you upload to the urbexshare.com platform, without limiation in space or time. (Of course, that does not mean that you lose your rights to your own photos! Without your license, it would be legally impossible for us to show any of your texts and photos on the urbexshare.com website).

We have the right to change, correct or remove any input you may provide when we judge that the input is unacceptable, either by law or by the norm of human good behaviour, or when it could cause harm, of any sorts, to our website, to the initiative UrbexShare in general, or to our interests or those of other people.

We cannot be held responsible for any user related content or the contents of any other websites linked to from our website. The author of a report is the sole person who is responsible for the contents he uploads.

We are not obliged to check any user related content.

UrbexShare has no intention whatsoever of encouraging behaviour that violates the law.

By using our website, you declare to accept these Term of Use, thereby included the Privacy Statement and the Cookie Policy.