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Bunker CDF  Medical Shelter

First reportApril 29 2020
by Spooky Exploring
Latest reportJuly 28 2024
by rbxwolf

Medical bunker
by dejongh.marc on December 6 2020 12:56 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/frjd ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?

Visit date    November 29 2020 at 16 hr
Visit duration    < 1 hour

Een verlaten verzorgingsbunker van het Belgische leger
Hidden in plain sight zoals ze zeggen ,gelegen in een open vlakte en toch zie je ham pas als je er vlakbij staat. Hoewel ik er nog geen 100 meter vanaf stond moest op google maps checken naar de locatie
Binnen is het pikdonker ( tja , een bunker, wat dacht je), maar dat schept net de sfeer
De hele inrichting lijkt nog intact ware het niet voor de roest , de halfvergane dekens en de dikke laag stof
Ik moest me behelpen met 2 ledlampjes , maar dat geeft de fotos dan ook de sfeer die bij deze locatie past
Eén foto heb ik bewerkt om een retro indruk te creëren

  Text and photos are by dejongh.marc. Click here to see dejongh.marc's profile and other reports.

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More reports on Bunker CDF

Bunker CDF
by rbxwolf on July 28 2024 23:04 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/vjnz ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   July 28 2024 at 15 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

I believe it was once a very nice location. But unfortunately the whole place was burned down not so very long ago. We could stil smell it. So sad that people do this... We could still make a few pictures, but as you see the damage is severe.

  Text and photos are by rbxwolf. Click here to see rbxwolf's profile and other reports.

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Medical bunker
by Urbex_x on January 25 2023 21:24 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/bbpf ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   January 15 2023 at 8 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Best toffe locatie je kan er ook mooie foto's van landingsbaan bij maken. Het geeft je wel de juiste sfeer de bedden,... Het is zeer klein maar echt tof ! Zeker aanrader! Geen security. Kleine 20 min rondgelopen.

  Text and photos are by Urbex_x. Click here to see Urbex_x's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Urbex_x

Bunker CDF
by Urbexf4n4tic on November 29 2022 00:56 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/gnvv ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   November 26 2022 at 15 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

This is a medical bunker that probably was meant to be used in the Cold War.
It’s not very big but like some stuff so hard.

  Text and photos are by Urbexf4n4tic. Click here to see Urbexf4n4tic's profile and other reports.

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Cold War Bunker
by J1mmy_072 on January 28 2022 17:41 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/xzey ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   January 6 2022 at 4 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Nadat we bij de nieuwe Ghost Bus Tunnel waren geweest gingen we naar deze bunker. We moesten eerst vanuit station Luik naar een ander station toe en vanuit daar lopen. De bunker ligt naast een vliegveld waar vaak vliegtuigen opstijgen en busjes rond rijden dus de kans om gezien te worden was best groot. In de bunker stonden nog allemaal bedden en een of andere machine. Bij sommige matrassen zat nog plastic erom heen dus ik denk dat deze bunker ook nooit echt gebruikt is. Hij komt ook uit de Koude Oorlog en toen was er eigenlijk geen echte oorlog. De bunker was wel best klein. Ik had eerst gedacht dat die groter was. Na een half uur ben je wel uitgekeken. Toen we weg wouden gaan hoorden we mensen praten. We gingen ze eerst laten schrikken door met flesjes te gooien en daarna gingen we naar boven kijken. De Belgische YouTuber Siaz met vrienden was dat. We hadden nog even met hun gepraat en daarna gingen we weer naar huis. De video over deze bunker staat op mijn YouTube: J1mmy 072

[1] https://youtu.be/GSzS5Tu8udk

  Text and photos are by J1mmy_072. Click here to see J1mmy_072's profile and other reports.

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Medical bunker
by UrbexKismo on January 7 2022 16:48 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/nxcw ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 19 2021 at 13 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Het is een leuke plek om foto's te maken. Je moet uitkijken voor de rommel wat er op de vloer ligt. Helaas door de rommel en prikkeldraad op de vloer is de video op mijn kanaal ook een lagere kwaliteit dan de andere video's. De plek is ook erg interessant en de bedden maken het ook erg creepy. De muren en plafond met de bedden matchen prachtig met elkaar bezoekje was daarom ook zeker waard.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBaGseOI...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/p/CYO-kp9ApbJ/

  Text and photos are by UrbexKismo. Click here to see UrbexKismo's profile and other reports.

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Bunker Cdf
by Cintiaurbex on December 1 2021 15:43 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/zvvf ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
  very unsafe
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very bad
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   November 27 2021 at 17 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

It was an exciting journey 🥶 But this Cool Bunker was definitely worth it 🤩

  Text and photos are by Cintiaurbex. Click here to see Cintiaurbex's profile and other reports.

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Medical Bunker CDF
by Urbexbongabonga on November 10 2021 08:30 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/whbv ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   July 19 2021 at 1 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Deze bunker herbergt nog (stapel)bedden en matrassen -met de plastic nog rond-.

Leuk om eens te bezoeken.

  Text and photos are by Urbexbongabonga. Click here to see Urbexbongabonga's profile and other reports.

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Medical Bunker
by Edith on August 16 2021 15:13 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/csjz ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   June 3 2021 at 17 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Medical Bunker is een hele kleine locatie maar toch bijzonder. Aan de overkant van de weg staat de lege kazerne die ook best de moeite waard is vanwege de graffiti

  Text and photos are by Edith. Click here to see Edith's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by ADEXPLORE on July 18 2021 20:16 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/hwrk ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 14 2021 at 9 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Bunker Médical,

Nous sommes au milieu de la seconde guerre mondiale, les bombardiers ennemis survolent la Belgique se déchargeant de leur largage létal. Les combattants se rejoignent alors dans ce bunker pour y trouver refuge mais aussi principalement pour se faire soigner.
Après une lourde frappe aérienne, les allemands s’approprient les lieux et y implantent une base de commandements.
En 1944, avec courage et bravoure un groupe de résistants (lié au groupe R.S.) se lance à l’assaut de la base permettant ainsi aux américains de récupérer cette zone.

Après toutes ces atrocités, c’est à notre tour de visiter et de s’imprégner de cet endroit chargé d’histoire.

Nous descendons une quinzaine de marches pour arriver face à une lourde porte. Derrière celle-ci, l’obscurité nous attrape 2 mètres sous terre.
Ayant enfin allumé nos lampes frontales, nous pouvons y voir plus claire et prenons le temps de s’attarder sur tous les détails.
Directement à ma droite après les escaliers, une première pièce qui se présente est remplie d’anciens lits en fer où la rouille commence à faire sa place.
Dans la pièce juste en face, nous trouvons un tableau où tout le personnel concerné par le bunker y figure, que ce soit les brancardiers, infirmiers. Ce tableau formait un triangle vert sans doute, pour décrire les différents niveaux hiérarchiques au sein de cet abri.
Plus j’avance, plus le nombre de lits augmente et des lits superposés ont été mis en place pour accueillir le plus de soldat possible.
Après quelques pièces semblables, nous arrivons enfin à la pièce majeure, celle où nous découvrirons énormément d’éléments d’époque.
Cette salle fait à elle seule 1/3 de la surface du bunker, laissant place à 5 lits. Nous retrouvons au pied des lits, un vieux brancard en lambeaux. En relevant la tête, sur le dernier lit, un objet spécial retient mon attention. C’était un genre de Baxter accompagné de son tuyau, c’était très spécial.

L’un des objets insolites était le téléphone. Rappelle-toi, nous sommes durant la guerre et à cette époque les téléphones ne sont pas ceux d’aujourd’hui. Celui-ci fonctionne avec une grande armoire, dans laquelle se trouvent une multitude de fiches où l’on vient y mettre l’embout pour contacter tel ou tel endroit à proximité.
Malheureusement à notre arrivée, le cornet du téléphone ne se trouvait plus sur son socle mais à force d’avoir regardé partout, nous l’avons retrouvé derrière cette grande armoire à fiches. (merci les explorateurs irrespectueux…) Nous retrouvons alors notre système de communication complet, cornet accompagné de son socle verdâtre ainsi que ses petits joysticks et cette grande armoire où nous pouvions encore distinguer les combinaisons pour contacter l’une ou l’autre caserne.

Après avoir fait joujou avec notre super trouvaille, je me dirige vers une porte blindée entrouverte dans le fond de cette pièce. Après m’y être glissé, je découvre un long couloir blanc qui me mène à un début d’échelle mais la sortie est obstruée par un gros bloc de béton armé.

C’est avec l’image de ces quelques échelons que nous nous dirigeons vers une fin d’exploration pour le moins surprenant.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/adexplore__/

[2] https://www.facebook.com/ADExploree

  Text and photos are by ADEXPLORE. Click here to see ADEXPLORE's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by HetOnbekende on June 10 2021 21:11 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ffsr ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   May 16 2021 at 19 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

We visited this bunker and the base that belongs to it.
Watch the full explore on our Youtube channel.

[1] Bunker CDF Video van deze locatie is te ...

  Text and photos are by HetOnbekende. Click here to see HetOnbekende's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by UrbexGirl078 on May 29 2021 08:58 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ufwb ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   May 17 2021 at 15 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Gave bunker, je moet even zoeken. Maar staan nog dingen in van vroeger. Leuk om te zien!

[1] https://instagram.com/urbexgirl078?r=nametag

  Text and photos are by UrbexGirl078. Click here to see UrbexGirl078's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to UrbexGirl078

by Cath97 on April 17 2021 17:44 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/smen ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very good
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  very many

Visit date   April 11 2021 at 15 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Un très belle endroit a visite.

  Text and photos are by Cath97. Click here to see Cath97's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Cath97

by BB_Urbex on April 10 2021 22:59 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/wbav ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   April 10 2021 at 18 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Deze locatie even erbij gedaan toen we in de buurt waren,
De bunker opzich niet zo heel groot, maar t militair domein erlangs wel leuk, hier was wel alles kapot gemaakt, jammer genoeg..

  Text and photos are by BB_Urbex. Click here to see BB_Urbex's profile and other reports.

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Medical Shelter/Bunker CDF
by Tubbieontheroad on March 12 2021 21:22 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/unkv ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 20 2021 at 10 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

This was a place where we had high expectations from.
We saw pictures of people going there recently and it wasn't trashed or whatever. So we were very enthusiastic.
When we entered, we came to the conclusion that someone has been vandalizing here...
A big piece of crapgraffiti covers the big room now...


It's not so bad...

The beds and most of the stuff there is still (intact).
And what an atmosphere there, if you imagine it without grafitti it's so beautiful.

I would definitely recommend this place, especially with the military barracks not far from it.

I found some information too about the barracks, but it got lost in my mindsoup.

Enjoy my view of this place!

  Text and photos are by Tubbieontheroad. Click here to see Tubbieontheroad's profile and other reports.

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Bunker in the snow
by Exploring_ForgottenBeauty on March 10 2021 17:34 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/gkjr ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?

Visit date   January 24 2021 at 16 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

There's little information about this bunker. It was probably used from the second world war until 1969. Based on the equipment that we found inside, we'd say it probably served as a shelter/medical bunker. When we visited the bunker, it was still snowing which made it really pretty.
It is, however, very dark inside so it would be wise to bring extra lights.

[1] https://www.facebook.com/Exploring.Forgo...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/exploring_forg...

  Text and photos are by Exploring_ForgottenBeauty. Click here to see Exploring_ForgottenBeauty's profile and other reports.

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Bunker Médical
by Elsa_murbex on February 23 2021 12:44 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/gnyw ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 14 2021 at 11 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Très joli ce bunker, dommage pour les grafittis!

  Text and photos are by Elsa_murbex. Click here to see Elsa_murbex's profile and other reports.

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Bunker Médical
by ma2b_ on February 20 2021 11:19 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/rezs ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   February 13 2021 at 7 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Je savais approximativement où se trouvait ce bunker avant de m'y rendre, il m'a été nécessaire de me promener un peu sur une plaine avant d'en trouver l'entrée...
Bien évidement il faut très noir dans le bunker, heureusement j'avais mon pied photo, ce qui m'a permis de faire des photos en longue exposition.
L'ambiance était très spéciale, je n'étais pas spécialement à mon aise. Il est relativement petit à visiter mais on peut faire de chouettes photos en prenant notre temps.

Attention à y aller avec une lampe de poche, et regarder où poser les pieds pour éviter de se blesser.

Très belle découverte du jour, et quelle belle surprise de découvrir un beau couché de soleil en sortant de ce bunker, ça répare les cœurs.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/marine.vasbinder/

  Text and photos are by ma2b_. Click here to see ma2b_'s profile and other reports.

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Medical bunker
by Nelimrex on January 23 2021 20:44 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/gndc ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very good
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   January 22 2021 at 12 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Very nice medical bunker, probably used during the cold war. Still many beds and stretchers. It's a bunker so ofcourse it is dark inside. Some graffiti and damage inside. Across the street you can find military barracks who are also abandonned.

  Text and photos are by Nelimrex. Click here to see Nelimrex's profile and other reports.

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Cdf bunker
by SB1993 on January 11 2021 23:16 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/wutm ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 10 2021 at 18 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Mooie locatie om foto's te maken. Helaas steeds meer graffiti.
Heel mooi dat er nog van alles ligt zoals brancards en zelfs een infuus en patiëntenlijst

[1] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PuwY2pmWj4...

  Text and photos are by SB1993. Click here to see SB1993's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by SB1993 on January 11 2021 22:36 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/fmeu ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   January 9 2021 at 18 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Mooie locatie om foto's te maken. Helaas steeds meer graffiti.
Heel mooi dat er nog van alles ligt zoals brancards en zelfs een infuus en patiëntenlijst.

  Text and photos are by SB1993. Click here to see SB1993's profile and other reports.

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Cdf bunker
by dora_urbex_adventures on January 9 2021 18:28 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/sgpz ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
  very easy
Risk of being seen
  very low
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   November 7 2020 at 2 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Deze locatie was vrij moeilijk te achterhalen, aangezien het onder de grond ligt. Rondom de bunker liggen meerdere verlaten plekken, dus er is genoeg te zien! We zagen hier weinig vandalisme of graffiti toendertijd, ondertussen zie ik foto's dat de bunker achteruit is gegaan.. zonde !

  Text and photos are by dora_urbex_adventures. Click here to see dora_urbex_adventures's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by louispeeterss on December 24 2020 13:00 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/dfzt ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 15 2020 at 12 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

Faire le tour du bunker ne prend que 10min mais il y a plein de photos magnifiques a faire il faut juste faire un peu attention à la sécurité qui fait des rondes quelques fois

[1] https://www.instagram.com/p/CG298I0sxDv/...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2-T5mMvgt/...

[3] https://www.instagram.com/p/CG29jZ3MA9x/...

  Text and photos are by louispeeterss. Click here to see louispeeterss's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to louispeeterss

by Limbo on December 6 2020 19:51 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/xvjn ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 6 2020 at 13 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Overblijfsel van een militair verleden van België. Vlakbij een voormalige kazerne .
Binnen staan voornamelijk nog wat bedden , desondanks leuk om te bezoeken

[1] Https://www.instagram/harrievaessen

  Text and photos are by Limbo. Click here to see Limbo's profile and other reports.

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Dark room
by Gootje on December 6 2020 19:30 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/wmep ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 6 2020 at 13 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Vrij klein en natuurlijk donker

  Text and photos are by Gootje. Click here to see Gootje's profile and other reports.

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Medical Shelter
by tomvandutch on October 16 2020 12:04 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/sjuu ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
  very low
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   October 11 2020 at 12 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Am Rande einer Großstadt, in der Nähe einer ehemaligen Kaserne, liegt dieser Bunker,
Sehr groß ist er nicht.
Es gibt 3 kleine Nebenräume, einen großen Hauptraum, einen Flur sowie den Gang zum Notausgang.

Zu seiner Nutzung kann ich leider keine Angaben machen, da man keine Info´s über diesen Bunker findet

[1] https://www.facebook.com/TomvanDutch.Urb...

  Text and photos are by tomvandutch. Click here to see tomvandutch's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by Urbex_me on October 11 2020 14:21 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/nnvf ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very good
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   October 10 2020 at 1 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Amazing bunker to explore & take pictures! There are still many remains.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/p/CGM-jEKAmVW/...

  Text and photos are by Urbex_me. Click here to see Urbex_me's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Urbex_me

Bunker cdf
by Urbex_decay_photograpy on September 26 2020 14:10 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/rpmp ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   September 17 2020 at 21 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Mooie bunker met nog veel elementen van hoe het was erg indrukwekkend !👏🏻

[1] https://www.instagram.com/urbex_decay_ph...

  Text and photos are by Urbex_decay_photograpy. Click here to see Urbex_decay_photograpy's profile and other reports.

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Un endroit bien caché
by flashbackexe on August 18 2020 13:32 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/egkr ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   December 4 2019 at 14 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

C'est le premier bunker où j'ai pu voir des objets anciens, ils sont d'habitude bien vides. Il était plutôt bien conservé lors de ma visite parce qu'il n'était pas connu et il ne se voit pas facilement. L'entrée est un trou dans le sol avec un escalier. Il faisait complètement noir, difficile pour prendre des photos, mais en prenant bien son temps c'est faisable.

Il y avait une personne qui se baladait sur le terrain mais il est resté loin et n'a rien dit, c'était juste un amateur de paysages. En sortant de là, il y avait un groupe d'explorateurs avec 2 voitures qui se sont garés à côté de la mienne pour aller visiter le bâtiment qui se trouve en face, et ça m'a fait un peu rire parce qu'ils ne savaient pas du tout que ce bunker était à quelques mètres.

[1] https://www.facebook.com/pg/Luana.a.phot...

  Text and photos are by flashbackexe. Click here to see flashbackexe's profile and other reports.

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Bunker CDF
by Spooky Exploring on April 29 2020 09:33 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/bjzt ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   March 16 2020 at 12 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Bunker with lots of stuff left behind.

[1] https://youtu.be/iOeJZUTGxFs

[2] https://www.facebook.com/Spooky-Explorin...

[3] https://www.instagram.com/spookyexplorin...

[4] https://twitter.com/ExploringSpooky

  Text and photos are by Spooky Exploring. Click here to see Spooky Exploring's profile and other reports.

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