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Manoir aux Canons  

First reportAugust 27 2023
by HetOnbekende
Latest reportJune 15 2024
by Joycekes

Manoir aux Canons
by HetOnbekende on August 27 2023 22:21 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/uazn ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date    June 12 2023 at 13 hr
Visit duration    1 hour

Bij aankomst zagen we al snel dat het een uitdaging zou worden om binnen te komen.
Na flinke verwondingen hebben opgelopen zijn we eindelijk op het terrein beland.
Maar de tuin is zo groot, nu moeten we nog de manoir zien te vinden en een ingang.
Na flink wat zoeken zijn we uiteindelijk binnen, en wow!
Hierbij een paar fotos van deze prachtige locatie, maar wil je alles zien? Bekijk dan zeker onze video!


Upon arrival, we quickly saw that getting inside was going to be a challenge.
After some injuries, we finally made it to the garden.
But the garden is so big, now we have to find the manor and an entrance.
After a while searching we finally got inside, and wow!
Here are a few pictures of this beautiful location, but do you want to see it all? Then be sure to watch our video! Subtitles available

[1] https://youtu.be/ktnYZGk9lgo?feature=shared

  Text and photos are by HetOnbekende. Click here to see HetOnbekende's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to HetOnbekende

More reports on Manoir aux Canons

Trashed manoir!
by Joycekes on June 15 2024 18:23 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/dmng ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   June 15 2024 at 17 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

What a shame!
This beautiful house is completely trashed.
There isn't a room left without trash.
So much stuff on the floor and stacked up to the ceiling in almost every room.
We tried to make some nice pics and got 3 or so.
Not worth the drive anymore.

  Text and photos are by Joycekes. Click here to see Joycekes's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Joycekes