Cooltower IM, Police did nothing by fite474 on December 4 2023 14:09 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date December 2 2023 at 16 hr Visit duration 1 hour
This was the last location i visited on my first urbex weekend. I brought my drone along with me.
The tower near the end of a dead end, you first walk past some active industries with cameras. later on you can enter the fence of the cooling tower. They removed the easy stairs to the entrance door to stop people from comming. But the real die hards can still do some climbing to enter. The climb itself is slightly risky so definitly take care and dont go alone in case of a fall (wont happen ofcourse but better be safe). also finding the good spot to climb is difficult but there is a place where 2 beams are missing, thats your way up
once inside you are bamboozeld with the amazing symmetry view and some insane echo's (dont try it out too much)
even through the sound is amplified i still flew my drone up in the tower to get some amazing shots
once we went to the exit it became a bit sketchy and we felt a presence. we exited the fence and lit up a sigarette. about 1 minute later we encoutered a police car driving really slow and silently. we acted normal and i nodded to the police. however they just ignored us. if we where 1 minute later we wouldnt have heard the police car driving and would have been busted on the spot
Koeltoren IM Visiting date 15 jan.2023!!! by Kiekeboe on January 16 2023 10:38 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very hard
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date December 31 2022 at 11 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Visited site 15 jan. 2023!
Site wont let me enter 2023
Stairs are gone, you have to climb.
Bring a rope (10 meter) to lift your bag up otherwise you have to take of your bag whilst climbing as you wont fit thru the hole with the bag on your back.
The powerplant is being demolished.
The gasometer is very easy to acces.
Text and photos are by Kiekeboe. Click here to see Kiekeboe's profile and other reports.
Wow by packmaan7144 on April 24 2022 10:30 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date April 18 2022 at 17 hr Visit duration 1 hour
This was an incredible experience. You always drive by giant cooling towers like this but never would I have imagined I would be in one. Probably the best urbex spot to visit in belgium.
We went on a holiday so your experience might vary, but there was no one, no gate , no security. There were a couple of cameras at the entrance, but very easy to get around.
There uses to be a staircase to get right into the tower, but it has been removed probably because too many people visited. The only way to get in now, is to go underneeath the tower and climb up about 5-10 meters alongs concrete bars, essentially a concrete ladder. The climb is not too high and can be done by novices with a little determination. Once on top, you just pull your way inside.
The sight and the eco is inncredible.
There is a second storage building/tank next to the tower, easy to get into, interessting to see. Would have loved to go the the roof of the tank, but will have to be done another day as the stairs are cut off and the climb is hard.
There are also a couple of buildings on the other side of the complex, but some security van was posted near those, so we didn't try.
10 out of 10 would do it again.
Text and photos are by packmaan7144. Click here to see packmaan7144's profile and other reports.
Cooltower IM by Meieltje_urbex on November 20 2021 18:53 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date October 30 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 3 hours
entering is not as easy as it would otherwise be through a window or a door that was open you had to climb inside via beams if you are afraid of heights it is not recommended but it is doable once you are at the top it's beautiful honestly one of my favorite locations perfect for photos you don't come across it often highly recommended!
Text and photos are by Meieltje_urbex. Click here to see Meieltje_urbex's profile and other reports.
Koeltoren IM by XRes007 on April 19 2021 11:22 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date April 18 2021 at 13 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
De koeltoren van IM stond hoog op de verlanglijst, gewoon om eens de binnenkant van een koeltoren te zien.
Toen we op de weg ernaar waren, hadden we onze auto even van de koeltoren zelf geparkeerd, omdat we niet wouden opvallen.
Echter, eens we dichter bij de koeltoren kwamen, zien we gemakkelijk 10 auto's staan vlak tegen de koeltoren. Op het terrein rond de koeltoren, liep er zeker 50 man rond, de meeste niet eens urbexers. Jammer.
Echter waren er wel maar weinig die effectief de klim durfden te wagen naar boven in de koeltoren, waardoor het daar iets rustiger was.
One more off the bucket list by suburbX on March 12 2021 17:59 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date December 22 2020 at 11 hr Visit duration 1 hour
The Cool tower IM was very easy to locate. We parked the car a bit down the street and headed towards the tower. We were warned that there would be a lot of Security, so we acted all innocent and quickly turned right trough a hole in the fence. Once in there you go down and are out of sight pretty quickly. Once down at the foot of the tower we noticed the stairs were removed so climbing it would be. It was a rainy week, so it was a bit harder to get to the center but doable. After a little climb i noticed some people were already in there, all holding cameras so No Problemo...
Spent a while in there, took some cool shots a continued our way. On the way out we noticed we didn't have to be so sneaky, people were fishing at the side of the cool tower. Nevertheless always cool to be in a cool tower 😎???
Text and photos are by suburbX. Click here to see suburbX's profile and other reports.
La tour by MaalLeefiikaa on February 23 2021 22:20 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date February 21 2021 at 15 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Une balade sur un coup de tête, même si je savais que les escaliers avait été supprimé... je m'y suis rendue, je ne devrais pas tarder à y retourner pour escalader et admirer l'intérieur car je n'étais pas équiper correctement pour le faire... de plus il y avait énormément de personne ne me donnant moins envie de monter... car je déteste avoir du monde sur mes clichés (oui, je suis très difficile)
Mais je vous laisse admirer déjà les quelques clichés pris ce jour là.
À votre bon plaisir :)
Text and photos are by MaalLeefiikaa. Click here to see MaalLeefiikaa's profile and other reports.
Cooltower IM by ADEXPLORE on November 8 2020 20:02 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very hard
very unsafe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 29 2020 at 13 hr Visit duration 1 hour
La Cooltower IM,
Ce nom ne vous dit sans doute rien. Pourtant, ce lieu est un incontournable dans le monde de l’urbex.
Dans ce premier périple, où je m’initiais à la pratique de l’exploration urbaine, je voulais marquer le coup en essayant de pénétrer dans ce qui est le plus populaire et le plus impressionnant des lieux abandonnés en Belgique.
Il a même été classé dans les 30 plus beaux spots d’urbex d’Europe.
Sans plus tarder, je me lance à la conquête de l’objectif de la journée.
Adresse encodée, je reprends la route, excité de voir enfin de mes propres yeux cet édifice si particulier.
Quelques dizaines de minutes plus tard, je rentre dans une zone industrielle où la chaussée devient de plus en plus dégradée dû aux nombreux passages des semi-remorques.
Là, face à moi, se dresse cette tour que je voyais tant lors de mes recherches, l’excitation monte d’un cran. Je poursuis ma route, me dirigeant de plus en plus vers le pied de ce monument incroyable.
300m plus loin, je me gare dans ce cul de sac, devant une cabine électrique et je me dirige enfin vers cette tour de refroidissement muni de mon appareil photo.
Très vite, je trouve un espace pour m’introduire et arriver aux colonnes qui supportent ces tonnes de béton. La satisfaction est bien là malgré le fait que je ne sois pas encore rentré à l’intérieur.
Je dois faire attention, le site industriel est en démolition. Des ouvriers y travaillent avec leur marteau piqueur et leur pelleteuse, pour faire place à un nouveau quartier résidentiel.
Heureusement, je suis en contrebas ce qui me permet d’être à l’abri des regards.
Sachant qu’il y avait un escalier d’accès, je fais le tour pour y parvenir.
Catastrophe, j’arrive à l’escalier mais malheureusement celui-ci est démoli pour empêcher les visiteurs d’y pénétrer à nouveau durant les travaux.
Cependant, m’étant bien renseigné, je savais qu’il y avait un autre point d’accès un peu plus sportif celui-ci.
Pour parvenir à mon objectif, il fallait que j’escalade une dizaine de mètres à la verticale et sans aucun assurage avec le matériel sur le dos.
J’évalue un peu les risques, j’examine les poutres sur lesquelles je vais devoir m’agripper pour y parvenir. Cela me paraissait si haut que j’en deviens triste à force de voir mon objectif me filer entre les doigts pour une dizaine de mètres.
Je ne pouvais pas rater cette expérience. Sur un coup de tête, je m’accroche au premier bloc de béton pour accéder aux premières poutres et là, mon ascension commence.
Les premiers mètres passent facilement et l’adrénaline commence à venir.
Arrivé à la moitié de cette escalade, je regarde vers le bas pour regarder le chemin déjà parcouru, chose que je n’aurais jamais dû faire.
Tout à coup, mes muscles commencent à se tétaniser, mes jambes et mes bras se mettent à trembler me bloquant au milieu de mon ascension. Heureusement que j’ai encore la lucidité qui me permet de faire le vide dans ma tête pour pouvoir me concentrer davantage.
À partir de là, chaque poutre passée est un exploit en soi.
J’arrive tant bien que mal à m’extraire de cette folle montée pour enfin atteindre la plateforme tant espérée.
Quand je me relève et que je regarde l’immensité de ce lieu qui m’entoure, je me dis que c’est tout simplement de la pure folie. Je suis resté bouche bée devant ce spectacle et ce silence incroyable.
Seul au milieu de cette gigantesque tour de refroidissement, je me sentais minuscule, ridicule même. Pourtant, je ne me suis jamais senti aussi bien, assis la tête en l’air visant le ciel qui défilait au- dessus de moi avec ce sentiment d’objectif accompli.
Powerplant IM by Edith on November 2 2020 14:05 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date July 6 2020 at 11 hr Visit duration 1 hour
Wij zijn op een maandag naar deze locatie gegaan. En toen was het best druk met mensen die daar aan het werk waren. Er stond ook een auto van de medewerkers op het terrein. Dus wij zijn links om de toren gelopen tot aan de trap. Aan de overkant in de centrale waren ze ook aan het werk. maar ik had niet het gevoel dat het ze wat interesseert .
De deur stond gelukkig open. Ik vond het best bijzonder om een keer daar binnen te kunnen kijken.
Later die dag nog naar de verlaten metrolijn geweest en Charbonnage du Gouffre.
Text and photos are by Edith. Click here to see Edith's profile and other reports.
the nuclear cooling towers by Offgridbelgium on September 25 2020 11:24 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date August 22 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 4 hours
This was one of my first real urbex locations i did and i was blown away by how good the place was it was en is still one of my favourite places.
As i said it was one of my first so the pictures aren't that great but i'm still learning how to create amazing pictures. i'm taking classes for it and also bought a new camera. the camera that i took the pictures with was about 11 years old so yeah not the best one :D.
I hope you like my first post here and i'm happy to share it with you guy's i do a lot more exploring and upload daily (most of the time) on my instagram.
If you want to follow me it's thank you so much and enjoy.
Tour de refroidissement by TimeDays on August 7 2020 20:31 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very unsafe
Risk of being seen
very low
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date July 30 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Cette tour en béton armée fût bâtie en 1921 et le site industriel fût définitivement fermé en 2007. Pendant près de 90 ans la tour de .... a refroidi la centrale à charbon . Cette centrale thermique au charbon était responsable d’environ 10% des émissions de CO² du pays. C’est donc pour cela que la décision a été prise de fermer la production. Quant on pense qu’au même moment l’Allemagne a décidé de fermer ses centrales nucléaires pour ouvrir des centrales à charbon… Cela fait froid dans le dos.
Text and photos are by TimeDays. Click here to see TimeDays's profile and other reports.
Quick exploration by Purple on June 26 2020 15:22 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date June 16 2020 at 13 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
Its a nice simple place to visit and I recommend it to everyone wanting a straight forward exploration.
The entrance is easy to find and the fence has so many holes you might as well ignore it.
There are workers around the other nearby buildings however, so keep this in mind. They spotted us but didn't seem to care, especially since while we were walking to the tower we found other explorers who just visited too.
We were done with it after 10 minutes, there is not much to explore but it IS a large tower. It will surprise you if you've never experienced it.e
IM powerplant cooltower & powerplant by bert erven on May 4 2020 19:22 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date February 28 2020 at 10 hr Visit duration 4 hours
Paar x bezocht deze loaktie te Charleroi
De koeltoren is heel makkelijk te vinden en te bezoeken .. De powerplant aan de overkant van de sambre is lastiger Niet ondoenlijk Je kunt de toren zo binnenlopen Bij de powerplant moet je uitkijken staan Bouw camera's maar eenmaal binnen is t wel zeer de moeite waard
Text and photos are by bert erven. Click here to see bert erven's profile and other reports.
Power Plant IM by UrbexKismo on April 22 2020 18:43 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date January 26 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Deze locatie is een prachtige plek en vooral om mooie foto's te maken. Dit is ook zeker een aanrader. Zodra je binnen staat in het midden van de koeltoren voel je je erg klein. Dit is een aparte en bijzondere locatie!
IM by FITurbex on April 17 2020 20:39 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date July 15 2019 at 2 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
Al een tijde stond deze op de planning. altijd super coole fotos ervan gezien. tijd om zelf te gaan. toen we aankwamen stond de deur gewoon open. Top! snel naar binnen. Het is ongelofelijk als je binnen staat de architectuur en de echo gewoon het hele plaatje klopte. zeker de moeite waard om eens heen te gaan!!
Cooling tower IM by Zabnost on March 21 2020 15:04 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
very low
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date January 19 2020 at 14 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
The IM cooling tower is probably one of the most well-known industrial spots in Western Europe. It's very easy to find out where it is, there is no security at all and you can access the cooling tower through a huge gap in the fence, which explains why there were a lot of people in or near the cooling tower when we went there. Still, it's a nice place to see. There is a lot of graffiti on the tower but it isn't that bothersome and you'll forget all about it when you're standing inside the cooling tower and realize how massive it actually is.
Text and photos are by Zabnost. Click here to see Zabnost's profile and other reports.
8 by UrbeX-Ture on December 16 2019 19:55 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 16 2019 at 12 hr Visit duration 1 hour
Perfect to take a look there as a new one. It is very easy to find and view the location. next to the cooling tower you have a tank across the street, which is not really worth it. On the other side of water you can also notice that there is a factory there that they are demolishing, it was that factory that used that cooling tower.