Maison Gramophone by HetOnbekende on November 6 2023 11:46 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date July 24 2023 at 15 hr Visit duration 1 hour
We nemen je mee naar een verlaten plek in België, waar de tijd lijkt te hebben stilgestaan. Een mysterieus en verlaten huis, waar de eigenaren ooit leefden en nu niet meer onder ons zijn, maar hun sporen zijn nog steeds te vindenin dit verlaten huis. Dit huis is doordrenkt van geschiedenis en geheimzinnigheid.
Wat deze urbex verkenning extra bijzonder maakt, is de tal aan religieuze beelden en spullen. De voormalige bewoners waren diep gelovig, en hun spirituele erfenis is nog steeds voelbaar. Maar dat is niet alles. Terwijl we dit verlaten huis verkennen, stuiten we op een stukje oudheid: een gramofoon uit een ver verleden, een stukje technologie dat nog steeds werkt.
Het geluid van de gramofoon vult de verlaten kamers met een betoverende melodie, en de muziek die we horen, klinkt als een echo uit een andere tijd. De combinatie van religieuze artefacten en de mysterieuze muziek zorgt voor een creepy sfeer die je op het puntje van je stoel zal houden.
Bekijk onze video als je alles wilt zien en meer wilt ervaren (ondertiteling beschikbaar)
We take you to an abandoned place in Belgium, where time seems to have stood still. A mysterious and abandoned house, where the owners once lived and are now no longer among us, but their traces can still be found in this abandoned house. This house is steeped in history and mystery.
What makes this urbex exploration extra special is the numerous religious statues and belongings. The former residents were deeply religious, and their spiritual legacy is still palpable. But that's not all. As we explore this abandoned house, we stumble upon a piece of antiquity: a gramophone from the distant past, a piece of technology that still works.
The sound of the gramophone fills the abandoned rooms with an enchanting melody, and the music we hear echoes from another time. The combination of religious artifacts and the mysterious music creates a creepy atmosphere that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Watch our video if you want to see it all and experience more (subtitles available)
Translated with (free version)
Maison Gramophone by rbxwolf on September 12 2024 19:18 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date August 29 2024 at 14 hr Visit duration 1 hour
This one is a hidden gem. The house isn't very big. But there is still a lot of stuff in it, what makes it a very nice location to explore. A lot of the stuff has been moved since the first reports. And we had the impression that someone is preparing to empty the house because a lot of stuff was stacked downstairs.
The people who used to live here were very religious. The house is full with religious trinkets. And even documents from during world war 1.
Text and photos are by rbxwolf. Click here to see rbxwolf's profile and other reports.
Maison Gramophone by Edith on March 19 2024 18:59 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date January 6 2023 at 15 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Deze locatie bezocht op 6 januari 2024.
Prachtige locatie met erg mooie details.
Wij waren met een groepje dus dan ben je ook wat langer bezig zodat iedereen goede foto's kan maken.
maar het was zeker de moeite waard.
Text and photos are by Edith. Click here to see Edith's profile and other reports.