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Bragadiru Beer Factory  

First reportDecember 4 2020
by LostWolf
Latest reportMarch 28 2022
by Grid_

Bragadiru's Beer Factory
by Grid_ on March 28 2022 10:29 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/mnxx ]

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Visit date    March 27 2022 at 3 hr
Visit duration    2 hours

Went to Bragadiru's Beer Factory(not to be confused with the beer factory IN Bragadiru).
The place was not hard to find or to trespass into the building but I can tell you that it is 90% worth the visit for taking some pictures while on top of the building.
We did encounter 2 guys that were doing graffiti but other than that no sign of life.
The so called Factory consists of 3 buildings witch are similar in structure.
I visited only 2 of them because the third was very close to the street and open making it easy to be seen.
I would say its an interesting place to go because of its size making it fun to explore.

  Text and photos are by Grid_. Click here to see Grid_'s profile and other reports.

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More reports on Bragadiru Beer Factory

Beautiful factory ruins
by Kaventipovik on January 30 2021 14:55 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/arnb ]

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  very high
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  very many
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Visit date   October 1 2020 at 2 hr
Visit duration   3 hours

This beautiful place, with buildings designed by architect Anton Schuckerl, was used to produce one of the best beer brands in the country. The communist regime took hold of the factory in 1948 and it functioned until the early `90s, when most of the Romanian industry collapsed. Now there are rumors that it would be turned into a mall, but in the meantime it's slowly degrading and turning into rubble.

[1] https://www.vice.com/ro/article/xyzm3n/f...

[2] https://www.ovidiuneacsu.ro/palatul-si-f...

  Text and photos are by Kaventipovik. Click here to see Kaventipovik's profile and other reports.

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Bragadiru Beer Factory
by LostWolf on December 4 2020 11:21 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/cvbp ]

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Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
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Visit date   April 1 2018 at 12 hr
Visit duration   5 houres +

Bragadiru Beer Factory was the most successfully beer factory from Romania, situated in Bucharest, Rahova. Built in 1893, it started producing in 1895. It also has a Colosseum with the same name (Bragadiru Colosseum) and it is still functional in our days, named "Bragadiru Palace". Back then, near any beer factory it was necessary to have a place where you could also consume the beer, thus founding the Colosseum (or the palace). Back then there were 2 more popular beer factories (the principal competition): Oppler Beer Factory (now wiped off the face of the Earth) and Luther Beer Factory (remaining only the main buildings, now under construction, where there will be built some apartments). Bragadiru had married Luther's willow, Sofia Luther, for business reasons, and with her help he got to the first place in Romania and third place in Europe, with a daily production of 12 000 liters of beer.
On the same land as the factory, there could also be found Bragadiru's family house, more houses of employees, garage, office buildings, the Colosseum etc.
Bragadiru died in 1915 after a heart attack, leaving the lead to his oldest son. In the communist period, in 1948 the factory had been nationalized and it worked until 1990 under the name "Rahova Beer Factory" (after the neighborhood it was located in), and after that it was completely abandoned. Some buildings had been illegally demolished, and there was also a plan to use the land for building a mall, but this project was also abandoned. Now, the main entrance is guarded, but it is extremely easy to get in through the broken windows. The only activity these days is that sometimes homeless people sleep there or some explorers are going by. There are many bad smells, state of high degradation, a lot of trash ect, but it is a really big place and perfect for exploring. I visited this place many times (between 2018 and 2020) and I never had any problems.


Fabrica de bere Bragadiru a fost cea mai de succes fabrica de bere din România, situată în Bucureşti, Rahova, şi a fost infiinţată în 1893, începând să producă în 1895. Acesta are şi un Colosseum cu acelaşi nume (Colosseumul Bragadiru) care astăzi este funcţional, numit Palatul Bragadiru. Pe atunci, langă orice fabrică de bere era necesar şi un loc unde să fie consumată berea, astfel înfiinţându-se Colosseum-ul. Pe atunci mai erau încă 2 fabrici de bere mari (principala concurenţă): Fabrica Oppler (ştearsă de pe faţa Pământului) şi Fabrica Luther (au rămas doar clădirile principale care acum sunt în construcţie, unde se vor face nişte apartamente). Bragadiru s-a însurat cu văduva fabricantului Luther, Sofia Luther, din motive de afacere, şi cu ajutorul ei a reuşit să ajungă pe locul I în România şi pe locul al III-lea în Europa, cu o producţie zilnică de 12 000 litri de bere.
În incinta fabricii puteau fi găsite şi locuinţa familiei Bragadiru, locuinţele altor angajaţi, garaj, clădiri de birouri, colosseum-ul etc.
Bragadiru a decedat in 1915 în urma unei crize cardiace, lăsându-l la conducere pe fiul său cel mare. În perioada comunistă, în 1948 aceasta a fost naţionalizată, şi a continuat să funcţioneze până în 1990 sub numele ,,Fabrica de Bere Rahova" (după numele cartierului în care se află), după care a fost complet abandonată. Mai multe clădiri au fost demolate ilegal, şi a existat în plan şi ca terenul să fie folosit pentru construirea unui mall, însă acest proiect a fost, de asemenea, abandonat. În prezent, intrarea principală este păzită, însă este foarte uşor să intri pe geamurile sparte. Singura activitate din prezent este că uneori mai dorm nişte oameni pe acolo sau mai umblă nişte exploratori. Pot fi mirosuri neplăcute, stare de degradare ridicată, foarte multe gunoaie etc, însă este un loc foarte mare şi numai bun de explorat. Am vizitat acest loc de multe ori (între 2018 şi 2020) şi nu am avut niciodată probleme.

[1] https://www.ovidiuneacsu.ro/palatul-si-f...

[2] https://www.vice.com/ro/article/xyzm3n/f...

  Text and photos are by LostWolf. Click here to see LostWolf's profile and other reports.

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