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Paragon Hotel  Grand Hotel de M

First reportAugust 1 2020
by fake_lemon
Latest reportJune 25 2023
by tomvandutch

Grand Hotel
by fake_lemon on August 1 2020 13:37 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/xjyg ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date    August 3 2019 at 10 hr
Visit duration    2 hours

Il grand Hotel aprì al pubblico nel 1882 grazie all'iniziativa di un noto industriale all'epoca in cui la città stava vivendo il boom turistico e sociale.

L'Hotel fu per oltre un secolo una delle maggiori strutture alberghiere a 5 stelle della città grazie ai numerosi servizi e comfort quali la struttura termale, le stanze dedicate alla lettura e al biliardo e la famosa stanza da ballo divenuta famosa nel mondo urbex.

L'albergo cadde in disgrazia nei primi anni del nuovo secolo soprattutto grazie a un'imprenditoria che non riusciva a stare al passo con l'innovazione e la modernità e chiuse definitivamente del 2006.

The Grand Hotel opened to the public in 1882 thanks to the initiative of a well-known industrialist at the time when the city was experiencing the tourist and social boom.

The Hotel was for over a century one of the largest 5-star hotel in the city thanks to the many services and amenities such as the spa, the rooms dedicated to reading and billiards and the famous dance room became famous in the world urbex.

The hotel fell into disgrace in the early years of the new century mainly thanks to an 'entrepreneurship that could not keep up with the innovation and modernity and closed definitively in 2006.

[1] www.lemonurbex.com

  Text and photos are by fake_lemon. Click here to see fake_lemon's profile and other reports.

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More reports on Paragon Hotel

Paragon Hotel
by tomvandutch on June 25 2023 13:07 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/abtt ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very safe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   June 14 2017 at 11 hr
Visit duration   2 hours

Mitten im Stadtzentrum findet man dieses 5-Sterne Luxushotel, welches bereits gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in einem Kurort gebaut wurde. Geschlossen wurde es bereits vor über 15 Jahren und der Verfall, aber auch der Vandalismus ist schon stark fortgeschritten.

Bekannt ist die Location für ihren große Ballsaal mit dem riesigen Lichthof und dem Stoffbezug. Leider sind auch hier, die stuckverzierten Wände mit Farbe besprüht worden. Etwas versteckt findet man auch noch ein schön verziertes Treppenhaus.

Das Hotel hatte einst über 100 Zimmer, Wellnesseinrichtungen, Barbereiche und Suiten. Es war eins der prestigeträchtigen Hotels der Gegend. Als irgendwann der Tourismus an Bedeutung verlor, war auch der Betrieb dieses Hotels zu unwirtschaftlich und es wurde aufgegeben.

[1] https://www.tomvandutch.de/paragon-hotel

  Text and photos are by tomvandutch. Click here to see tomvandutch's profile and other reports.

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