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Assan's Mill  

First reportDecember 4 2020
by LostWolf

Assan's Mill
by LostWolf on December 4 2020 22:04 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/krgu ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
  very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date    July 1 2019 at 12 hr
Visit duration    4 hours

Assan's Mill was the first steam mill from Romania, built in 1853 by the merchants George Assan and Ioan Martinovici. It had more names: Assan's Mill, Roller Mill, Fire Mill or Assan's Ship. The machinery of the mill had been transported from Vienna, the transport lasting around a month. In 1865, George Assan separates from his associate and he remains the only owner of the factory. After his death, in 1866, the lead is taken by his wife, Alexandrina, that in 1884 gives the leadership to her two sons, Basile and Gheorghe. Thanks to them, the mill had been improved, founding a new section of varnishes and colors, and the mill grind at that time 7 wagons of wheat in 24 hours. After 1903, the mill had been equipped with electricity, and it had his own plant. In 1930 it was transformed in joint stock company with the name of ,,Assan Factories", that included 4 different industries: grinding of cereals, vegetable oils, varnishes and paints, soaps and putty. In 1948, the factories had been nationalized, and after 1990 they were abandoned. In 2008 and 2012 took place fires that severely affected the remains of the factories.


Moara lui Assan a fost prima moară cu aburi din România, construită in 1853 de către negustorii George Assan şi Ioan Martinovici. Avea mai multe denumiri: Moara lui Assan, Moara cu valțuri, Moara de foc sau Vaporul lui Assan. Utilajele pentru moară au fost aduse de la Viena, transportul acestora durând aproximativ o lună. In 1865, George Assan se desparte de asociatul său şi rămâne singurul proprietar al fabricii. După moartea lui, în 1866, conducerea morii a rămas soţiei sale, Alexandrina, care o lasă apoi în anul 1884 celor doi fii, Basile şi Gheorghe. Datorită lor, moara a fost îmbunătăţită, înfiinţând o nouă secţie de lacuri şi culori, iar moara măcina la acea dată 7 vagoane de grâu în 24 de ore. Dupa 1903, moara a fost dotată cu energie electrică, având uzină proprie, iar în luna iunie 1930 a fost transformată în Societate Anonimă pe acţiuni sub denumirea ,,Fabricele Assan", care curpindeau 4 industrii diferite: măcinarea cerealelor, uleiuri vegetale, lacuri şi culori, săpunuri şi chit. În 1948, fabricile au fost naţionalizate, iar dupa 1990 au rămas abandonate. In 2008 şi 2012 au avut loc incendii care au afectat grav rămăşiţele fostei fabrici.

[1] https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moara_lui_Assan

[2] https://justitiecurata.ro/fotogalerie-cu...

[3] https://www.historia.ro/sectiune/general...

  Text and photos are by LostWolf. Click here to see LostWolf's profile and other reports.

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