my tribute to this legendary place by Underthedust on December 12 2022 19:20 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date November 24 2022 at 18 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
This is my tribute to this legendary place. I've been there a couple of times, so this photo collection is mix of all the visits. The place is now being demolished, so we can say that the good times are over...
Haut Fourneau B HFB by RUrbexNl on August 15 2022 10:42 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date August 14 2022 at 7 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Wat een dag, vandaag samen met mijn zoon deze verlaten metaal fabriek bezocht. We waren er al om 7.00 uur en na vier uur lopen hadden we het wel gehad, zo warm. Wat een mega groot terrein, 3 a 4 Km lang. We moesten veel omhoog en omlaag op trappen, langs prikkeldraad door en voor je het wist stond je 50 meter boven de grond. Nog lang niet alles gezien dus snel weer eens terug, er zijn nog locaties daar die we niet hebben gevonden helaas. Niet heel veel foto's geschoten daar het heel lastig fotograferen is daar, er zijn heel veel donkere plekken maar dat is mijn mening.
Text and photos are by RUrbexNl. Click here to see RUrbexNl's profile and other reports.
HFB by yng_urbex on July 16 2022 17:29 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date July 9 2022 at 16 hr Visit duration 3 hours
This awesome place is sadly being demolished.
I was there on a saturday and went in about 4 in the afternoon.
There are multiple entrances so that shouldn't be a problem.
I didn't see any security or workers but hear from people who have been there that there are workers.
I saw some other people but not a lot.
Massive steel factory by Audrey on April 10 2022 20:02 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 2 2022 at 12 hr Visit duration 5 hours
Vorige week deze grote staalfabriek bezocht. Binnenkomen was makkelijk, we zagen wel wat bandensporen dus er rijdt inderdaad bewaking rond. Gelukkig hebben wij er ongestoord kunnen rondlopen. Hier en daar is het oppassen i.v.m. de slechte conditie van de trappen bijvoorbeeld. Het is een enorm groot terrein en ik begrijp dat mensen teruggaan: het is er prachtig en je kunt echt niet alles zien op 1 dag.
Visited this steel factory last week. Getting in was easy, but there is indeed security: we saw fresh tire tracks on the roads. Luckily we didn't get trapped. Watch out on the stairs, some are in a bad condition! The factory is huge so we probably go back for a revisit. It is magnificent, but too much to see in 1 day.
HFB April 2022 by StudieuxPixArt on April 8 2022 18:23 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 1 2022 at 9 hr Visit duration 5 hours
A multiple visit (3 times in a month). I had no problems at all. HFB is still there, rumours say the site will be cleaned, but HFB and t he power building will be kept. Wait and see. Church instagram @studieuxpixart for updates.
Text and photos are by StudieuxPixArt. Click here to see StudieuxPixArt's profile and other reports.
HFB by ManonJPhotography on April 4 2022 15:45 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 25 2021 at 9 hr Visit duration 3 hours
My first time, and also my last time @ this beautiful place.
Entering this beauty, with my buddy that had already been there was really cool. We went to the right places really fast and could make Some awesome pictures.
And the end of our adventure, we were almost leaving the place, that security found us. We started running but hè was really friendly. He explained us the danger of entering the buildings and told is we were lucky, hè was looking for a bigger group that went in by walking the trainrails. He walked with us to the main enterance and let us go with a warning.
Sad this place is getting destroyed.
Text and photos are by ManonJPhotography. Click here to see ManonJPhotography's profile and other reports.
Haute Furneaux B by Tubbieontheroad on December 20 2021 00:44 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date December 10 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
Ahhhh Disneyland for the urbex fanatics.
Sunset on a rooftop in the factory is recommended for sure!
It won't be long before it's going to be demolished almost completely. There are speculations about the furnace staying but I didn't see anything official about this.
If you want to see it, you better go as fast as possible.
Text and photos are by Tubbieontheroad. Click here to see Tubbieontheroad's profile and other reports.
Haut Forneau B by OBURBEX on October 12 2021 13:02 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date August 4 2021 at 12 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Prachtige locatie, eentje waar ik lang naar uitgekeken heb. Via de coördinaten die ik had doorgekregen was de ingang snel te vinden. Erg oppassen voor de beveiliging. Ben er geweest voor een YouTube video, de link staat erbij. Daarom vooral video's gemaakt i.p.v. foto's. Toch heb ik enkele bijgevoegd.
Steel Mill HFB by Radioactive_Dustface on August 27 2021 19:38 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date January 30 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 4 hours
Somewhere in Belgium between the mountains at the river Maas near the beautiful city Luik there's a special place. This place is truly a concrete jungle. Or should i say a steel jungle. Known by many as HFB, this enormous abandoned industrial site build in 1962 used to be a steel mill.
Now i've went several times and still there's so much more to explore. It's like a giant playground for adults where you can roam free and go on many adventures. There's a big chance you run into some fellow urbexers because of it.
If you don't know your way around it can be hard to find an entrance and there's mostly security guarding the terrain. Last time we climbed the fence pretty easily but there were times that we had to run from security and tore some clothes on barb wire. Luckily we never got caught.
HFB is def one of the greatest URBEX locations where i've been. I would like to go back and take my time to explore but i heard some rumors they're going to tear the place down. Maybe they tear it down but the beautiful memories will never be forgotten! Of course besides the fucking memories there's a ton of awesome photo's to enjoy.
Text and photos are by Radioactive_Dustface. Click here to see Radioactive_Dustface's profile and other reports.
HFB -inside the beast ! by Underthedust on July 22 2021 23:46 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 8 2021 at 12 hr Visit duration 5 hours
« Liège n’a plus l’énorme cathédrale des princes-évêques bâtie en l’an 1000, et démolie en 1795 par on ne sait qui ; mais elle a l’usine de M. Cockerill. »
C'est ainsi que Victor Hugo décrivait ce monstre de rouille et d'acier en 1842...
Même si on imagine bien que la physionomie des bâtiments a bien évolué depuis cette époque, l'impression reste la même : on est littéralement terrassé par le gigantisme des bâtiments industriels ruinés dominant le paysage. On n'est pas en reste lorsqu'on pénètre à l'intérieur de ce géant : c'est un véritable labyrinthe qui s'offre à nous, où les machines les plus improbables nous font face...
4th visit and still we have not seen everything! by silent_times_urbex on May 10 2021 23:47 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date April 24 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 4 hours
We slept next to this factory on the mountain with a tent. Not very nice since there are junkies walking around at night. But still had reasonable sleep. Up early to visit this place. 4 hours walking around and no security seen. Other urbexers and someone who gave an illegal tour. This was our 4th visit to this beautiful location, we still have not seen everything. The place remains beautiful to make pictures. Unfortunately there was an accident a while back, so we are afraid it will soon be secured again.
Our adventure will be online soon on our youtube channel!
HFB by bert erven on May 9 2021 21:54 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very low
General condition of the place
very good
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date May 8 2021 at 13 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Eindelijk via t spoor de hfb bezocht
Wat een geweldige lokatie. Je kunt hier een week doorbrengen en dan heb je nog niet alles gezien
Voornamelijk eerste deel gedaan paar locaties binnen maar is te veel voor 1 x. Gauw terug
Text and photos are by bert erven. Click here to see bert erven's profile and other reports.
Staalfabriek by BB_Urbex on May 4 2021 09:50 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 25 2021 at 13 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
Een zeer knappe locatie qua gebouwen en structuren.. helaas alles is vernield of gestolen.. maar het blijft prachtig om te zien.. rond 17u is er security aanwezig, ervoor geen bewaking gezien 🤫
Text and photos are by BB_Urbex. Click here to see BB_Urbex's profile and other reports.
HFB - Revisit after only 2 weeks! by XRes007 on April 27 2021 11:16 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 25 2021 at 12 hr Visit duration 1 hour
HFB - Revisit
Dit na slechts 2 weken geleden er geweest te zijn. We waren in de buurt, en wouden per se nog eens het labo zien, dus zijn we maar even snel "binnengesprongen".
We hadden een tip gekregen over waar het labo exact was, dus wisten we waar we heen moesten!
HFB - First urbex since a 5 year break for me! by XRes007 on April 13 2021 16:13 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date April 11 2021 at 10 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
HFB, my first urbex after a break of about 5 years.
What a huge location! A lot of things are to be seen over there! If you are into industrial locations, this is the place to be! Despite a lot of vandalism, copper thiefs ... It's still worth to visit!
Still a lot of details are to be found, and you can easily walk a day, maybe 2 over here!
We loved this location, and need to head back once more, as we did not (yet) found the lab.
Hauts Fourneaux B by thebakedexplorers on April 8 2021 18:07 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 12 2020 at 14 hr Visit duration 5 hours
Awesome location to visit, feels like you're wandering in an abandoned city. Finding acces was pretty hard and did take some climbing and barbed-wire evading tactics. Once inside there are numerous buildings to explore, as long as you're willing to do some free climbing.
Text and photos are by thebakedexplorers. Click here to see thebakedexplorers's profile and other reports.
HFB by roose22 on April 4 2021 13:21 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date January 28 2020 at 10 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
Very cool place! Unfortually we got seen by some workers so we didn't get to see a lot. And there is A LLOT! This place is huuge. So try chosing the right time to go, not like we did haha. Overall great experience. Running away from the worker was also exciting haha
Text and photos are by roose22. Click here to see roose22's profile and other reports.
Unique Experience by UrbexBelgiumJL on March 22 2021 18:03 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date February 21 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 hours
When arriving at HFB, we were a bit suspicious because we heard things about security vans and cameras. In the end we had nothing to worry about and met like 15 other urbexers. This abandoned steel factory felt like a playground. Everywhere we looked we saw opportunities to climb higher and higher and you see everyone else searching for the exact same thing. We walked 25km that day and were there for 5 hours. It’s a Huge place! Whether you like industrial urbexing or not, it’s a must visit for everyone. We are definitely going back to see more!
Text and photos are by UrbexBelgiumJL. Click here to see UrbexBelgiumJL's profile and other reports.
HFB by LarsDeBosschere on March 15 2021 23:03 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very unsafe
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date March 7 2021 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
This place is a paradise for urbexers. Old rusty industry. Tall towers and buildings you can go up to. Endless exploration...
most people probably know this location. If you ever have the chance to go I would definitely recommend it! Who knows when this gigantic complex, like many other locations will go down....
I have visited it 3 times now and still there is so much to discover. This is not an urbex to do in a rush. For this you better take a full day.
In terms of security, I personally have not noticed anything. During my last visit there was even a group of at least 30 people walking around. Accompanied by loud music, drinks and lots of ambiance.
BUT: There are many rumors that there are often police checks and that the fines are high. So be careful, make sure no one sees you enter and watch out for the trains that pass through the grounds! I would recommend staying away from those train tracks as much as possible.
Either way, this is a really great place to explore!
Text and photos are by LarsDeBosschere. Click here to see LarsDeBosschere's profile and other reports.
HBF🏗 by dora_urbex_adventures on January 15 2021 18:11 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date July 28 2020 at 1 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Dit is echt een ontzettend grote locatie! Gelocaliseerd over de hele stad & toch heel makkelijk vindbaar. Rij een stuk door deze stad en al snel valt je op dat deze op meerdere plaatsen vindbaar is. Het is zeker de moeite waard om hier meer van te zien. We zijn vrij makkelijk binnen gekomen door een opening in het hek. Het terrein is ontzettend groot, en op sommige plekken is toch wel vandalisme te zien. Zo is een bijgebouw helaas afgebrand.. heel jammer! Wel waren hier nog technische tekeningen in te vinden. Ook heb je als je naar boven klimt een prachtig uitzicht op de stad, in een woord adembenemend! De klim naar de top is niet geheel ongevaarlijk, hoe meer je naar boven klimt heb je toch het gevoel dat het niet meer zo geheel veilig is. Zelf hebben we een paar andere 3 andere urbexers gezien, aangezien het terrein ontzettend groot is heb je hier in het algemeen ook geen last van. We hebben alleen al op deze locatie een paar uur doorgebracht, denk als je deze locatie in z'n geheel wilt zien je hier toch wel een dagje of 2 aan kwijt bent vooral als je hier niet uit de buurt komt. Al met al een top locatie.
Long visit at Haut Fourneau by pirs_me on January 13 2021 17:44 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date December 21 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 4 hours
We arrived and searched around the place for a way to enter. They were recent fences and prohibition signs.
A really big group arrived at the same moment and they climbed the fence next to the street where trucks and cars were passing... Don't do that ^-^' We saw a truck slow down and stopp and the guy called someone.
A guard came to check on the perimter so we went back to the car, waited a bit and looked for a way more discret to enter (you can find one on the back, follow the old tram rails).
Inside the place is really big, it's really impressive. There is a lot to see, to take pictures of,...definitly worth it!
Hfb by Lostworldexplorer_urbex on January 6 2021 10:27 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date November 21 2020 at 13 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
The Cockerill-Sambre group was a Belgian steel producer. The group had branches along the Meuse in Seraing, Cheratte and Herstal and along the Sambre in Charleroi. The company was created in 1981 through a merger of Cockerill from Liège with Hainaut-Sambre from Charleroi. The original Cockerill company was founded by John Cockerill. The group was acquired by Usinor in 1998, which became Arcelor in 2001 and ArcelorMittal in 2006.
Nice to discover and the perfect place for a great kick! Enjoy.
Text and photos are by Lostworldexplorer_urbex. Click here to see Lostworldexplorer_urbex's profile and other reports.
HFB by tomares on December 5 2020 13:49 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
very many
Visit date October 17 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 4 hours
This place has become a sort of "giant playground" with more than a dozen urbexers crossed on the site during the visit. And for good reason, apart from its ease of access, being able to visit such a giant of industry as if you were walking around the city gives a special feeling.
The site has suffered a lot of vandalism, all metals and other valuables have been stolen.
Despite this, it is still incredible to be able to wander through the abandoned machine rooms and photograph these remains which were once the flagship of the country's industry.
Haut Fourneau B by Thibi99 on September 20 2020 00:44 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very low
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date September 18 2020 at 12 hr Visit duration 4 hours
Haut Fourneau B
18 September 2020,
De locatie had ik redelijk makkelijk gevonden na even sattelietbeelden af te speuren. Bij het langsrijden van het terrein werd het ons al snel duidelijk dat binnenraken hier niet makkelijk zou worden. De site is bijna overal ommuurd, en waar geen muur staat wordt plaats gemaakt voor meters aan razor-wire. De hoofdingang wordt permanent bewaakt door videocameras. We werden bij het binnentreden door enkele personen langs de buitenkant opgemerk, maar het is voor de omwoners duidelijk geen geheim dat deze locatie door vele urbex-enthousiasten bezocht wordt.
Eenmaal op het terrein verloren we al snel het overzicht. Deze locatie is gigantisch, zeker een kilometer lang op 500 meter breed. Sommige gebouwen zijn hier wel 50 meter hoog. Doordat alles verbonden is door tussen-etages en bruggetjes is het wel wat lastig navigeren, maar dit zorgt ook voor de vele verschillende hoeken waarop je de site kan fotograferen. Als eerst kwamen we de smeltkamer binnen, een kathedraal van een gebouw met de hoogoven centraal, wat een joekel. Wel jammer dat er hier al heel wat koperdieven waren langsgeweest. Overal op de vloer lagen opengespleten kabels en shims uit elektromotoren, doodzonde van het anders prachtige gebouw en een voorbode op wat we zouden aantreffen in de omliggende gebouwen. Ook waren er al andere sporen van vandalisme zoals ingeslagen ruiten van de controlekamers, stoelen die naar beneden gegooid waren, kabels die kriskras over de vloer liggen en plekken waar vuurtjes aangestoken waren.
We waren net klaar om door te gaan naar het volgende gebouw toen we opgeschrikt werden door een trein. Dwars door de site liggen namelijk actieve spoorlijnen. Ook zagen we duidelijk dat er paden lagen die vrijgemaakt waren door de beveiliging van de site om te kunnen patrouilleren met een auto. Hiervan hebben we echter geen last gehad. We liepen hierna het volgende gebouw binnen, de koolverwerkingscentrale, tientallen hoppers op een rij met daaronder een rollenband. Door de afwezigheid van ramen en openingen in het gebouw was dit lastig te fotograferen, alsook de controlekamer die er in de buurt ligt.
Hierna besloten we als moment-supreme de zeker 100-meter hoge hoogoven te beklimmen, er staan stevige railings en de vloer was nergens beschadigd, ik merkte zelfs een recent dichtgelast gat op in de stalen vloer, leuk om te zien dat iemand zich met veiligheid had beziggehouden. Het uitzicht bovenop was geweldig, je kan de site er prachtig overzien alsook de stad errond. Je staat er erg zichtbaar, maar dat was voor ons geen reden om deze once-in-a-lifetime ervaring niet vast te leggen.
Dit was lang niet alles wat hier te zien valt, en ik ga zeker nog eens terug als de site niet gesloopt wordt. Dit is de enige verlaten hoogoven die nog overeind staat in België, dus ga zeker eens langs nu je nog de tijd hebt, het is absoluut het bezoeken waard.
Text and photos are by Thibi99. Click here to see Thibi99's profile and other reports.
HFB by Astak9 on September 6 2020 18:07 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date August 7 2020 at 10 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Makkelijker gevonden dan binnen geraakt. Niemand knippert overigens met zijn ogen op het moment dat je een poging waagt. Eenmaal binnen op het gemak kunnen rondpionieren. Eigenlijk is het zo groot/veel dat je het op een gegeven moment niet meer overziet. Het lijkt wel een map in een Call of Duty game. Genoeg mooie plaatjes kunnen maken. Op weg naar de uitgang nog en aantal urbexers tegengekomen. Nu ik weet hoe ik binnen kan komen, zou ik graag nog eens naar terug gaan. Jammer dat het zo'n pesteind rijden is.
Text and photos are by Astak9. Click here to see Astak9's profile and other reports.
Hfb by michielvanwillegen on July 19 2020 17:48 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very unsafe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date July 18 2020 at 7 hr Visit duration 5 hours
Leuke dag gehad, op een koperdief na geen andere urbexers.
Veel veranderd weer sinds een jaar geleden, veel nieuwe ruimtes bezocht en weer heerlijk industrie gesnoven. Al met al een heerlijke locatie, met veel mogelijkheden.
Heat_Forneau_B by Dutch_Urbex_explorer on June 9 2020 21:39 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date May 31 2020 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
I have visited HFB(Heat Fourneau B) for the first time now. And planning to go more often. Because of the size of this location. It was easy to find, And easy to enter. We had no trouble how ever with security. (due demolishing heavy metal)
Further. The things u will need for HFB is enough batteries ;)
My visit went well. And i enjoyed it. for me its again a 5☆ location for photographers.
Great, just great by Kezmenneke on June 6 2020 23:06 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date April 20 2019 at 11 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
Hfb was in top of my lost. And together with Heavy Metal the best location I have visited till now. Not very easy to get in (at first), but with some climbing including my working gloves we managed. The site is huge. It’s great. We were there for about 6 hours. Had a lunch at the side of the river. A couple of times the was a security car making it’s round. So listen to the sound of a car and hide. Later that day at the main gate, we saw that the gate wasn’t locked. So next time maybe you/we can just enter over there. I even opened the gate and made a picture outside the site. We climbed the 90 meters high blast furnace. This was a little dangerous, and will keep getting more dangerous as the years pass i think. Because the quality of the construction is decreasing. We also climbed into the blast furnace and I made a picture in it, which is, I think, the best Urbex picture I have made so far. While writing this I think it’s maybe time for a re-visit :p
Text and photos are by Kezmenneke. Click here to see Kezmenneke's profile and other reports.
HFB by Urbextim on April 22 2020 19:27 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date September 11 2019 at 13 hr Visit duration 4 hours
Ein wirklich beeindruckendes Stahlwerk. Der gigantische Hochofen verleiht dem Gelände noch ein größeres Walking Dead Feeling. Leider konnten wir nur ein Teil des riesigen Geländes erkunden:( Ein Besuch ist ein absolutes Muss für Industrieliebhaber
22.1.2020 by Dirty Shoes Syndrome on January 22 2020 10:03 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date February 6 2019 at 8 hr Visit duration 5 houres +
You may not exactly be the first one here, but it´s one of the most popular urbex destinations right now for a good reason. The sheer dimensions of this place are enough to make it a completely surreal experience to explore. On top of that, it´s also insanely picturesque. There´s rusty machinery and huge mazes of pipes twisting and bending in the most confusing ways as far as the eye can see. Dare I say "indursty porn" at it´s absolute wildest.
When it comes to access, my personal experience was a bit tense, but I´m sure there were easier access points than the one I used. Watch out when you´re in the open between buildings, as you may encounter vehicles driving around on the grounds. Also in some areas, there´s lot´s of metallc dust, so bringing a respirator would be advised.
If you rush through, you can see the highlights in a couple of hours, but if you really wanna do this enourmous place justice, take at least two days. It´s worth it.
Personally (as a fan of industry), this is currently my favourite abandoned place. Do it. It´s a blast (pun intended).