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Floating UFO  

First reportMarch 2 2022
by 20r100

A long journey
by 20r100 on March 2 2022 10:47 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/thbb ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date    February 1 2022 at 16 hr
Visit duration    1 hour

English version - version française sur le lien facebook

Almost a year ago, I got accepted in this new Master degree in Poland, 1500kms from my place.
When you land in a new city, you ask about the main attractions of the city. Among other things, I already knew that many of my evenings would end up at the Pomarancza Klub, according to this stripper in Warsaw.
But there was another kind of place I was looking for. The one unknown to tourists. Even unknown to the locals. The most unexpected, the craziest places. No need to pay full price to an old man in a dark alley for some crosses scribbled on an old map. No need to go to obscure sites on the darknet either. But still, searches for these unusual places lead to obscure sites.
At the bend of an old abandoned forum in a language I don't speak, I come across an abandoned flying saucer. I am not even surprised. What did they find in the coal mines of the region? I have no idea. Anyway, among the must-see sights of the city is the Spodek. The big concert hall of the region, shaped like a UFO.
After long research, hours of geoint, exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information (going in circles on Google Maps hoping to see an alien appear), I finally see it, on the edge of a lake, on the edge of the waters reflecting the grey Polish sky.
During my last days in Poland, after several months there, I finally get motivated. Instead of spending several hours on my phone in my room, I will do the same thing on the bus. One hour to get there. An hour to get back. But mostly, a long walk through snowy woods, along the railroad tracks. The cold stings. My phone gives out a last breath, and falls into a deep hibernation. For a second I consider throwing myself into one of the coal convoys that run along these rails, for an unknown destination. But I can't feel my feet, my fingers fall off one by one. I can't try anything, I have to stick to the original plan.
Finally... Here it is! In front of me, the big lake, and the huge coal plants behind. I climb a fence, before realizing that I shouldn't have. So I climb a second one, hoping to be "outside". These few efforts warm my body and allow me to turn on my phone. I check my GPS position. Oh my gosh. It is supposed to be here, the UFO. It is not there. No matter. You probably know that the loss of one sense can be compensated by the improvement of another sense. My lynx eyes compensate for the loss of my touch. I observe in the distance a particular shape... A flying saucer!
Does this one regret its past adventures and will it have decided to "float" to the other bank of the lake? However, I am still worried. I have a trampoline session at 6pm. I can't play cat and mouse with an alien ship. I start running, as does the weather. I sink into the mud, into the sand, into the cycle of life. And here it is. This good old saucer is waiting for me.
In spite of the signs "place under camera surveillance", I take the makeshift path, unstable planks on the water, to reach the platform two meters from the edge. My shoes get filled with mud, I climb on the platform. I press on the handle and... It's locked. Of course it is. And no alien key to help me out.
But we don't stop here! I go through a hole in the roof. Time for a tour, before rewinding the path to get to the gym at 6:01pm. I consider this being early.

[1] https://www.facebook.com/Promenadeimprev...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/20r100/

  Text and photos are by 20r100. Click here to see 20r100's profile and other reports.

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