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Hotel F  

First reportNovember 20 2021
by StarkUrbex_

Death of a Fairytale Castle
by StarkUrbex_ on November 20 2021 18:37 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/xebu ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
  very unsafe
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  very many

Visit date    September 11 2021 at 8 hr
Visit duration    5 houres +

I woke up 4 AM to go to this place and took the long trip there. It was all worth it because this was one of the most majestic locations I have explored. 

In the middle of the 1850’s the history of what was to become this castle like hotel was started by a butcher who built a summer house. After a couple of owners, the building was rebuilt in the beginning of the 1900’s as a spa hotel. It’s gigantic with many stairs, rooms, and levels. It’s inevitable to get lost when you walk around here: and getting lost in a building is the best thing I know, then you can rediscover it again and again and feel like you lost in time for real.

The most stunning area in the complex building is the ballroom (which once had seats for 1 800 people!) and the staircase leading up to it. Be careful with the chandeliers, when I walked under them, they looked ready to fall down any second.

There is also a spectacular glass roof that shouldn’t be missed. It’s situated behind a great landslide where the building has totally collapsed, and the sky can be seen from the hole in the roof. It looks like you can’t go any further but if you step closer you see a small, muddy path through the debris. Well, cross there at your own risk, I assure you it’s worth it.

In the 1920’s a big fire broke out and destroyed the original ballroom which is situated in the heart of the building. You can still see some rooms that are totally black and sooty on the inside. The ballroom itself was rebuilt in a simpler version than before, so please check historical photos from this place: it’s a castle from a fairytale.

It wasn’t damaged during the war, and in the 1950’s it was used for social gatherings, dance and sports events. Although renovations were done during the years, the hotel was badly kept, and it started to show. It has been closed since the 1990’s. Even if it seems that many has tried to find a way to save it, the owner applied for the demolition of the entire building complex in 2014. It was then denied because the council court saw its historical value. Although in the fall of 2021 it was decided that the place can now be torn down because it has collapsed and can no longer be saved. This last news I got just now from my research to write this, and I feel very sad about this new ruling. Soon this place will only exist in our memories.


More photos on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starkurbex/

Check my URBEX VIDEOS on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNwPOXjf7eucR82FvJH5Dg

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StarkUrbex

TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSaVmHth/

[1] https://www.instagram.com/starkurbex/

[2] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNwPOX...

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[4] https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSaVmHth/

  Text and photos are by StarkUrbex_. Click here to see StarkUrbex_'s profile and other reports.

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