Piscine Mosaïque by Bazz_hard on October 16 2019 20:45 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/kszs ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date September 19 2019 at 17 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Piscine connue de tous dans la région. Qui ne se souvient pas avoir nagé dans cette piscine il y à des années ?
Une architecture très intéressante avec ses vitres en arc de cercle dans l'entrée, les vestiaires autour de la piscine même.
De plus il y à un théâtre à l'arrière.
Malgré les dégradations ça reste un endroit à faire.
Piscine du Mosq by fite474 on December 4 2023 13:39 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/vvtw ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
Visit date December 2 2023 at 14 hr Visit duration 2 hours
This was one of my first highlight spots for urbex. entering the building was a little bit of a search but we entered at the same time as a couple with their two kids so we searched the entrance together. Once inside there where many floors, rooms, basements to explore.
The place has a theater and a swimmingpool. its an interesting location and definetly worth visiting
Piscine du Mosq by Roborofsky on January 17 2022 00:40 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/hhxx ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date January 16 2022 at 12 hr Visit duration 1 hour
This one of the starting urbex locations to visit.
After reading some reports and newsletters we were afraid that the site was completely closed by security.
Luckily mother nature helped us a bit in finding an entrance in the completely fenced site.
When we were on site we obviously didn't want to enter by the main/very visible entrance. Sometimes the solution is right underneath your feet 😉
Once inside it was very nice to figure out the old functions of each room.
Some waste, from youth and bums was already collected in bins so for us it was clear that renovation will be starting very soon.
On the second floor we discovered that this building also had a big theatre with podium. The wooden floor was quite rotten and afterwards we also discovered that a small fire had destroyed a part of the structure, so don't walk on these floors!!
The third floor and the roof were nice to visit but due to the state of the construction we didn't risk it to walk on it.
Because we weren't if there were silent alarms in the building, we decided to leave after one hour. IMO, you've seen everything in ± one hour.
Two hours later when we finished visiting another spot, 1km further we got chased by a normal looking van.
This guy just asked us some normal questions at first, so we thought he was looking for directions or something. But then he started complaining to us that he was the owner of the pool and that he was very angry that we've breached and trashed his place like the big criminals we were. The discussion was quite funny and after I told him the fence was broken and we didn't touch anything he just left with his car like nothing happened.
Personally I think that he was the organisor of urbex tours in the region and also some kind of site supervisor that was pissed because his site is still easy to access by everyone. I also think that we've just bumped into each other by accident. Our parking spot was next to a social centre were his tourist booth is located and he thought to head back to his office after looking for vandalist for more than 2 hours.
Text and photos are by Roborofsky. Click here to see Roborofsky's profile and other reports.
Piscine Mosq sans les mosaïques by Missa on June 1 2021 08:38 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/dsxy ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date December 1 2020 at 11 hr Visit duration 2 hours
La piscine a été rachetée en 2018, le propriétaire a éprouvé des difficultés pour déblayer et sécuriser la zone. En 2020, l'endroit était plus ou moins sécurisé. Mais dans l'attente d'un projet de réhabilitation, la piscine est toujours laissée pour compte.
L'accès est très simple au vu des barrières très légères posées autour, souvent ouvertes.
Des visites (payantes) sont organisées pour les plus curieux.
La structure du bâtiment est sublime.
Text and photos are by Missa. Click here to see Missa's profile and other reports.
Piscine du Mosq by Tubbieontheroad on March 24 2021 22:59 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ctus ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date February 31 2021 at 2 hr Visit duration 1 hour
I visited this pool three times.
It's a beautiful spot with much much grafitti.
You can take some good pictures there but beware!
Last time I visited they had closed almost everything down!
But vandals being vandals... They always make some entrance.
There is a swimming pool in the bottom of the building and some sort of theatre upstairs.
Be careful here.
Text and photos are by Tubbieontheroad. Click here to see Tubbieontheroad's profile and other reports.
Piscine du Mosq by LarsDeBosschere on March 23 2021 20:47 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/vkpk ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very hard
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date March 14 2021 at 16 hr Visit duration 2 hours
This abandoned pool is a difficult location. Entering unseen in broad daylight is just impossible.
Finding an opening to enter was already difficult. Every so often they come and weld the openings back up.... When we just entered the building, we could hear police sirens coming off in the distance they came closer and closer and our worst nightmare came true. They stop right next to the building.... then we fled to the farthest corner in the basement. That's where we hid. I don't think the cops went inside the building because it's completely sealed and difficult to enter. But I suspect they did search the area around it in the hope someone would come out.
We waited at least 45 minutes to make sure it was safe. Then we started exploring carefully. In the end, everything turned out fine. Despite the police, many other urbexers came in after. It is a well-known location after all.
A nice location, but you have to like grafitti!
Text and photos are by LarsDeBosschere. Click here to see LarsDeBosschere's profile and other reports.
Hard Entry, easy exit. by suburbX on February 26 2021 19:02 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/datw ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date December 22 2020 at 14 hr Visit duration 1 hour
We tried to be sneaky and took the hard way in. After some time we discovered you can enter the building from all sides. The place is trashed and partially boarded, nevertheless a very cool place for photography. I don't think authorities still care about this building.
Text and photos are by suburbX. Click here to see suburbX's profile and other reports.
Piscine S. by MaalLeefiikaa on February 20 2021 12:15 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/tjyk ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 22 2020 at 10 hr Visit duration 1 hour
Célèbre spot... venant d'être racheté j'ai décidé de vite visiter le spot avant que les transformation soit faite car 1 semaine après mon passage la piscine a été nettoyée de ses débris déjà.
Text and photos are by MaalLeefiikaa. Click here to see MaalLeefiikaa's profile and other reports.
Piscine Du Mosq by SDpictures010 on December 28 2020 10:32 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/stne ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date October 3 2020 at 17 hr Visit duration 1 hour
Dit was eigenlijk een "meepakkertje" aan het eind van een al meer dan geslaagde urbextrip!
Het grote zwembad ligt aan een vrij drukke rotonde maar het naar binnen lopen ging zonder moeite eigenlijk ondanks het lijkt helemaal af gezet te zijn met hekwerk.
Toen we binnen stapte waren we positief verrast ondanks dat het helemaal onder de graffiti zit hebben een aantal zeer fraaie plaatjes kunnen schieten! Mede doordat we ook nogeens een heel mooi hersftzonnetje hadden die net aan het zakken was😏.
Al met een een fraaie locatie om wat mooie foto's te maken!
Piscine du Mosq by LMEpictures on November 16 2020 00:49 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/hehv ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date October 3 2020 at 17 hr Visit duration 1 hour
Zeer mooie en verrassende locatie, die wij bezochten op het eind van ons Urbex tripje.
Helaas zit het gebouw wel helemaal vol met graffit, maar toch kon je hier mooie foto's maken.
We hadden ook nog eens het geluk dat de zon onder ging waardoor we hier prachtige foto's konden maken.
Swimming pool and theater. by UrbexGirl078 on October 18 2020 17:04 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/aumh ]
Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date October 3 2020 at 7 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Location found on Google Maps, long doubted. Nice location, no one seen at the location. Cool to see what an abandoned theater looks like. It is a shame that the location is no longer used.
Text and photos are by UrbexGirl078. Click here to see UrbexGirl078's profile and other reports.
First visit to Piscine du Mosq by Urbexobession on September 7 2020 22:35 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/sgfk ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
very good
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 7 2020 at 10 hr Visit duration 2 hours
It was our first visit. Absolutely beautiful location! Easy access, there was a fence but it was open so we could walk right past it. The building is open in many places. We went in at the ‘theater’ area. Unfortunately very trashed, but still a beautiful building to take pictures. There’s a busy road around the building so the chances of being seen are very high. We didn’t see anyone else
Text and photos are by Urbexobession. Click here to see Urbexobession's profile and other reports.
Piscine S by urbexvision on March 25 2020 23:36 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/wrnw ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
Visit date December 20 2015 at 12 hr Visit duration 3 hours
Swimming-pool « S », « dramatic » or « Mosq »… those are the nicknames given to this establishment of industrial architecture built in 1937. The building was used as a swimming pool, a theater, a casino, a store and a restaurant. Located in a rather animated urban area, the swimming pool was initially intended for the staff of a big industrial company of the region, and afterward opened its doors to the public, welcoming many students and sports clubs of the region before its closure in 1998.
Not able to gather the necessary funds to maintain the building, the owners closed the swimming pool, then the theater on the first floor in 2004. A Muslim community took the place in 2005 in order to convert it into a mosque. Unfortunately, as time passes by as well as decay and waste accumulates more and more, it seems that the future of this former swimming pool is today uncertain… The place is explored a awful lot!
Piscine Mosq by JasonJanssenPhotography on October 16 2019 15:54 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/wund ]
Finding out the location
very easy
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date July 16 2019 at 10 hr Visit duration 2 hours
Piscine Mosq
16 juli 2019,
Het ligt op een drukke rotonde, dus het is wel even opletten hoe erin te geraken. Het is helemaal afgezet met allemaal hekken. Eenmaal binnen opletten met de grote ramen.
Het is een combinatie tussen trash en een pareltje. Als je naar de trappen en het zwembad kijkt krijg je een wow gevoel, maar dat veranderd al snel wanneer je de rest verkent.
Piscine du Mosq by gwendolynnedepon on September 24 2019 17:36 hr CE(S)TShortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/apba ]
Finding out the location
very easy
very hard
Risk of being seen
very high
General condition of the place
very bad
Traces of vandalism
very many
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
none or very few
Visit date September 15 2019 at 2 hr Visit duration < 1 hour
Wij bezochten Piscine du Mosq, verlaten moskee/zwembad. Nu de locatie was snel gevonden, met alle gevolgen vandien, ongezien erin geraken is ONMOGELIJK! Alles is ook afgezet met hekken dus: good luck om de ingang te vinden en binnen te geraken :D (hahaha). De binnenkant was geen idee hoe ik het moet verwoorden! Om te beginnen was het gebouw opzich echt heel mooi! De trappen waren echt om verliefd op te worden! Net zoals het zwembad, maar helaas heel veel vandalisme, met nadruk op 'heel veel'. Spijtig wel want anders was het echt wel een gouden pareltje geweest! Kijk waar je loopt, op sommige plekken kan je los door de grond zakken! Ben je in de buurt, spring zeker eens binnen!
Text and photos are by gwendolynnedepon. Click here to see gwendolynnedepon's profile and other reports.