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Hospital D  

First reportDecember 3 2022
by Brodyaga_stalk

Abandoned Hospital Dnipro, Ukraine
by Brodyaga_stalk on December 3 2022 09:38 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/bfnj ]

Finding out the location
  very hard
  very hard
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
  none or very few
Good place for taking pictures?
  very good
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date    November 27 2022 at 13 hr
Visit duration    3 hours

Two buildings are long abandoned. The first one is nothing special, but the view inside is quite gloomy. In the second building, too, a terrible atmosphere. There is also a huge hole on the ground floor where I almost fell through.
The third building is the most interesting. Although almost all the equipment was taken out, some still remained. The entrance to the third building is difficult to find, but possible.
The main advantage and disadvantage of the third building is that there is only one entrance, it can be closed inside. But if someone decides to wait for you outside, getting around it is problematic (except perhaps through the second floor).

Два корпуса заброшенные давно. В первом нет ничего особенного, но вид внутри довольно мрачный. Во втором корпусе тоже жуткая атмосфера. Также есть огромная яма на первом этаже, куда я чуть не провалился.
Третий корпус самый интересный. Хоть почти всё оборудование вывезли, часть ещё осталась. Вход в третий корпус найти трудно, но возможно.
Главное преимущество и недостаток третьего корпуса - вход один, его можно закрыть внутри. Но если кто-то решит вас ждать снаружи, обойти его проблематично (разве что через второй этаж).

[1] https://www.instagram.com/p/Clsj7sto4UI/...

[2] https://www.instagram.com/p/CliH0A7ox5L/...

  Text and photos are by Brodyaga_stalk. Click here to see Brodyaga_stalk's profile and other reports.

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