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Château Saroléa [RIP] 

First reportOctober 21 2020
by Urbex_with_nessaa
Latest reportMay 31 2023
by behindthefence

Kasteel Sarolea
by Madden on May 17 2022 22:11 hr CE(S)T   Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ndrs ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very unsafe
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  very many

Visit date    May 7 2022 at 15 hr
Visit duration    < 1 hour

Castle Sarolea is an abandoned castle in an industrial town in Belgium.
We noticed the castle while exploring another Urbex place.

This castle is very unsafe, and a construction crew was working on the reinforcement of the building, probably because the roof was coming down.

The castle has a huge garden. We circled around the garden trying to find a way in, but couldnt find one.

As expected, with the construction crew around, we didn't go into the castle itself.

  Text and photos are by Madden. Click here to see Madden's profile and other reports.

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More reports on Château Saroléa

Chateau Saroléa
by behindthefence on May 31 2023 16:14 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/pycf ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very unsafe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   May 13 2023 at 9 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Access to the site was not that hard to find. we where there early in the morning.

Took some pictures inside on the ground floor and basement. The condition of the site is very bad, so didn't go upstears

There is scaffolding inside, to prevent it from collapsing in.

  Text and photos are by behindthefence. Click here to see behindthefence's profile and other reports.

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Chateau Sarolée
by ADEXPLORE on September 12 2021 18:07 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/ejuf ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very hard
  very unsafe
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?

Visit date   February 14 2021 at 14 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

Château Saroléa,

L’un des plus vieux châteaux que j’ai pu faire jusqu’ici. Il a été construit milieu du 17e siècle par le seigneur de la région. Les matériaux utilisés sont basiques mais bien étudiés. La présence de tuffeau n’est donc pas anodine, celle-ci est une pierre relativement légère mais très solide.

Ce château connaîtra sa plus belle époque qu’au cours du 19e siècle lors de la révolution industrielle. Le charbonnage voisin rachète ce monument pour accueillir son patron. Celui-ci cèdera une aile pour laisser place à un hôpital.

Concernant notre infiltration, on peut dire qu’elle a été plutôt compliquée. Ronces, troncs d’arbres, murets, courte échelle voici les différentes étapes par lesquelles nous sommes passés pour parvenir à pénétrer dans le grand jardin qui accompagnait ce château.

Durant notre avancée vers la terrasse, de beaux lampadaires nous accompagnaient.
Arrivés sur la terrasse, nous trouvons directement une porte sur le côté droit par laquelle nous entrons enfin. L’intérieur était dévasté, les différents étages n’existaient plus.
Par moment en levant simplement la tête nous voyons la pointe d’une des charpentes. Au milieu de la partie centrale, nous avons pu monter délicatement l’escalier du hall. À chaque palier, il manquait des planches rendant l’ascension très délicate. Ne prenant pas trop de risques, nous nous contentons d’observer de plus bas ce serpentin de bois.

Plus loin, nous rentrons dans une grande salle, la seule qui a gardé son plafond. Sans aucun doute parce que la moulure qui y a été faite, est magnifique. Après cette photo faite, mon collègue d’aventure me dit « viens voir cette pièce, c’est incroyable ! ». Comme de fait, à peine je passe le seuil de la porte, je me retrouve avec un vide d’une quinzaine de mètres au dessus de moi. Nous voyons les différentes portes qui flottaient dans le vide ainsi que l’imposante charpente qui maintient la toiture.

Nous nous dirigeons ensuite vers la pièce suivante qui devait être un salon avec un feu ouvert relativement beau mais malheureusement dégradé avec différents tags…
Ayant toujours un collègue un peu en avance sur moi dans l’exploration, il m’apprend qu’il y a à l’extérieur du château, 5 caméras qui filment le jardin ainsi que la porte d’accès par où nous sommes entrés.

Ni une ni deux, nous remballons tout. Je me permets de faire une dernière photo de la cave à vin puis nous filons vers le point d’extraction. Je ferme la marche en m’assurant que mes collègues passent tous bien le premier obstacle. En escaladant à mon tour le muret, je me retourne pour regarder une dernière fois le jardin et je vois tout au fond sous un arbre, deux personnes qui nous observaient. Des explorateurs ? Des voisins venus nous déloger ? Nous n’en saurons jamais rien.

C’est avec un petit jogging que nous nous dirigeons vers une fin d’exploration.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/adexplore__/

[2] https://www.facebook.com/ADExploree

  Text and photos are by ADEXPLORE. Click here to see ADEXPLORE's profile and other reports.

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Chateau Sarolea
by Bradley UrbexZ on January 29 2021 17:13 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/frdu ]

Finding out the location
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   January 16 2021 at 17 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Chateau Sarolea

The chateau was build in 1643 and the former owner was the director of the Hasard de cheratte coal mine.In 2017 the chateau was sold for €120.000.

Our visit

We were exausted after walking from Heavy metal to Hasard de cheratte,
After exploring hasard we wanted to go to chateau Sarolea but we were too tired to climb so we only made photos from the outside.

After this we walked another 1,5 hours to the train station,

Maybe we will get inside the next time.

This was my report of Chateau sarolea

  Text and photos are by Bradley UrbexZ. Click here to see Bradley UrbexZ's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Bradley UrbexZ

Chateau Cheratte
by Grunpfnul on November 25 2020 19:23 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/efab ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
  very easy
Risk of being seen
  very high
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   June 1 2018 at 0 hr
Visit duration   < 1 hour

Einfacher Zugang über die Front, innen seit einigen Jahren schon massivst entkernt. Man hatte einmal mit Renovierungsarbeiten begonnen, aber es bei den reinen Entkernungsarbeiten belassen. Teils stürzen bei Regen / leichtem Wind schon Steine und Putz von der Decke. Im Nebengebäude zum Garten hin, scheint ein Obdachloser seine Unterkunft gefunden zu haben. Insgesamt betrachtet eher wenig lohnenswert...

[1] https://madmen-kollektiv.org/2018/06/11/...

  Text and photos are by Grunpfnul. Click here to see Grunpfnul's profile and other reports.

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Chateau Saroléa
by Urbex_with_nessaa on October 21 2020 21:11 hr CE(S)T    Shortlink to this report: [ https://urbx.be/pwvh ]

Finding out the location
  very easy
Risk of being seen
General condition of the place
  very bad
Traces of vandalism
Good place for taking pictures?
Did you see other people?
  none or very few

Visit date   July 11 2020 at 1 hr
Visit duration   1 hour

we had to get in trought the side, there is a fence you can move just a bit so that you can pass through.
when we got through the fence there was a mountain of garbage that lies behind.
the next obstacle was to slide down a fallen tree that was blocking the road, there was no way around it.
Then you get to an open field and at the beginning lies Chateau Saroléa
A big beautiful building with one badly damaged tower.
It looks like someone tried to fix it, there are containers and a big runway to drive up and down on with a large vehicle.
but when you enter you wonder how it is still standing, most floors have been removed and one room is completely bricked up.
there are still stairs that still go up but be careful on these stairs, these are very weak. there is also a very large cellar where the empty wine bottles are still standing.

The neighbor has cameras aimed at the building, we have had no problems with this and were inn full view of several cameras.
we think they have these to protect their own property.

  Text and photos are by Urbex_with_nessaa. Click here to see Urbex_with_nessaa's profile and other reports.

    Send a message to Urbex_with_nessaa